This section is specifically for Dementia Interpreters
Here you will find the form to complete prior to training, a feedback form after training and also tests for between levels. More forms will be added as the dementia Interpreters Course develops and you will be updated via your inbox in the forum.
Below are 3 forms that you can access through either clicking the images below or the drop down menu.
Thankyou again for helping us to translate the Language of Dementia.
It is important that you complete the Pre-Course Form prior to starting your course. This allows us to be able to contact you and importantly tell us if you have any medical conditions that we need to be aware of before you attend.
The final part is a link to register as a Level 0 dementia Interpreter and by doing this we can reduce time for you to be upgraded to level 1 Dementia Interpreter after the course is completed. Please note that until you have attended and completed the course and been upgraded to level 1, you will not be able to access the additional learning and forum.

Once you've completed your Dementia Interpreter course, whether that is via Webinar, Face-to-Face, or using the eLearning platform, your next step is to complete your Evaluation Form. This is essential to let us know that you have completed the course and inform us that you are ready to become a registered Level 1 Interpreter.
Take the time to complete the form honestly and provide us with essential feedback so that we can continue to improve furture course content. We'd love to use your feedback on our social media platforms and there are a few boxes to tick to allow us to use this. If you have completed your training and need to let us know you need promoting to a Level 1 Interpreter, please click the link below:

As you progress through your journey on becoming a Level 5 Dementia Interpreter we will test your knowledge along the way. It is essential to make sure your knowledge and understanding are growing as you progress. It lets us know that we are teaching the right information and the that course is providing you with the knowledge required.
The first test begins between Level 2 and Level 3. If you are ready to start your move from a Level 2 to a Level 3 Interpreter, then click the link below to get started.

To make an application for one of the free courses in West Essex, funded by Essex County Council and the COMF Funding, please click the button below to submit your application.

Get involved and help us improve the understanding of Dementia.