
New Translation

Upload a question, action, behaviour, noise, body language or situation to be translated

This page allows you to ask a question about any behaviour, action, body language or situation that you would like translated through the Dementia Interpreters forum.  All questions will help us to develop the Dementia Dictionary further by understanding the Language of Dementia. Please note: your question will be entered into the dementia interpreters forum, discussed and this will mean that it may take time to be translated.

Do not forget that you too can become a Dementia Interpreter by either becoming a community or professional registered Dementia Interpreter. 

Please keep revisiting the Dementia Dictionary to find out when we have a defined translation or sign up to our free monthly newsletter to receive useful information and guidance regarding dementia.  

Please note that this is a fully modulated website which we will continuously monitor to ensure that any wording is politically correct.  All questions will be subject to deletion or editing of wording should there be language that is not deemed to be appropriate in the current dementia landscape.  All definitions are checked and signed off prior to being published within the Dementia Dictionary.