North West Anglia NSHFT (NWAFT)
At North West Anglia NSHFT (NWAFT) we have 3 hospital sites and 2 Community Outpatient departments. The Trust offers services from Peterborough/Cambridgeshire, Huntingdon, South Lincolnshire, Rutland, East Northamptonshire and the West Norfolk border.
Peterborough City Hospital and Hinchingbrooke Hospital (Huntingdon) have Accident and Emergency Departments. Stamford Hospital (South Lincolnshire) has a Minor Injury Unit.
The Trust Dementia Team is 2 nurses.
Our Trust vision (2022/23 – 2024/25) of “Working together to provide outstanding care for our local communities” is rooted in a set of Trust Values – to put patients first, be caring and compassionate, work positively together, be actively respectful and seek to always improve and develop.

NWAFT has pledged to support “John’s Campaign” – Supporting carers of people with dementia to continue caring for their loved one whilst in hospital. At NWAFT under John’s Campaign we offer:
- Extended Visiting Hours
- Concessionary Car Parking
- “Z” Put up Beds
- Volunteers Sitting Service
- Carer’s Passports

NWAFT is actively trying to improve the hospital environments for our patients living with dementia. Some of these initiatives have included introducing dementia friendly clocks; blue crockery; blue toilet doors (both sides); signage changes including written and pictures; Way Out signs on the inside of the toilet doors; distraction boxes; visual menu cards; sensory bands (Twiddle Muffs) and sensory blankets; RITA systems (Reminiscence Interactive TV Activities) and more visible Trust staff name badges.

NWAFT Dementia training became essential in January 2022. This entails ‘e’ learning packages, 2.5 hour and 1 day Dementia Awareness training. This training was scoped against Health Education England’s recommendations. This essential training was scoped against the Trust staff groups and their training competency was added to their electronic staff records. This training need is completed every 3 years.
We also offer a 3 day Dementia Awareness training to our Dementia Champions or link staff.
To enhance the essential training the Trust Dementia Team have been supporting the regular facilitation of the virtual Dementia Tour since September 2021 Trust-wide. The Dementia Team have just completed the Dementia Interpreters ‘Train the trainer’ Course. They are planning to introduce this training Trust-wide in 2023/24. The Dementia Dictionary App has been added to the Trust Volunteers I pads. The Dementia Team are planning on training the Volunteers on how to access/use the App productively.
Alison Gray (Dementia Specialist Nurse)

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